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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where does this camp take place?

The stay-overnight camp will take place in San Francisco from Sunday through Saturday during July (7th - 13th). Participants will be responsible for their own arrival and departure to San Francisco.


How much of the Bay Area is included?

While some aspects of the camp will resonate stronger with youth local to the Bay Area, we are open to all students. Each camper will be expected to find their own transportation to and from camp (unfortunately, week-long parking is not available). NABARI can provide reasonable reimbursement to campers for some costs incurred from travel.


What ages and grades are eligible?

Our camp community is welcoming to youth from the summer before they start high school all the way to the summer after they graduate.


Who qualifies as Native American and Indigenous?

Our goal is to uplift and amplify the voices of youth changemakers who have connections to and descendance from Turtle Island (which includes continental North America and the post-colonial regions of the United States and the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as Canada and Mexico).


Do I need to be registered with a federally recognized tribe?

No. Due to the history of violence and erasure against Native Americans and Indigenous people (e.g., boarding schools, broken treaties, etc.) we do not require participants to be registered with a federally recognized tribe.


Can non-Native American/non-Indigenous youth apply?

Yes! The camp is open to all youth who qualify under the ages/grades requirement above. However, priority selection for camp is given to Native American/Indigenous youth. NABARI recognizes the journey to justice is best walked with friends, and we believe most of the camp activities will appeal to a broad audience of social justice youth advocates. 

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